Music is Magic
Music is Magic ... i thought i should let the world in on this big secret :p
Chronicling "Echoes from within my empty mind", this blog pretty much symbolises my persona: random spurts of disorganized activity between long periods of hibernation.
Name: RamV
From: Chennai, India
Currently in: Birmingham, USA
Blogging since: Sep 2003
Full Profile: Here
that is something!
Wat an adage;)....note pannikaren...
btw...i loved readin ur school rewind...
tried recollectin my moments...felt betrayed by my memory...wtg dude..
Thanks for letting us know about that secret..What a man !!:-)
"Music — The one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of
knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot
- Ludwig van Beethoven
no problem, fuse. my pleasure.
and i dunno who's this wise guy who's linked beethoven to my profile :p
"I don't know anything about music. In my line you don't have to."
- Elvis Presley
ada pavi,
Neeya vera id create panni neeya unnoda blogla comments yeluthuriyae machi ;) ;) !!
Just Kidding machi, heard from dilip that you have taken courses again have fun machi :)
There's music in the sighing of a reed;
There's music in the gushing of a rill;
There's music in all things, if men had ears:
Their earth is but an echo of the spheres.
ne spl reason for writing comments under diff pseudonyms? ;-)
"I've never known a musician who regretted being one. Whatever deceptions life may have in store for you, music itself is not going to let you down."
-Virgil Thomson (American Composer, 1896-1989)
"umisc si amigc... I htuohgt I hsuodl elt hte owlrd ni no htsi ibg esrcte p:"
that was ur blog...
got it...? just thought of upping the tempo, to make u write ur next blog. thats y i did the beethoven, byron, and thomson. No offense ment. my name is amtsreoDad
hey whats going on?
I guess the title "master Doda" belongs to me. If thats correct whose using up my name here? Is this the work of Danger in the blog? Is he making this up as the pay back time for the earlier danger-stranger conflict? Ram is ur silent culprit hand behind this?
Saar, thanks for the aphorism.
Do you really have to be so pithy or silent. Write more and oftener!
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